News & Highlights

BIG NEWS #mbdanceproject takes on Tampa, Florida and has been making magic happen on and off dance floor the past 8 weeks. Founder, Siomara  Bridges-Mata “Ms.Cee Cee”  has taken on her greatest project yet in partnership with Straz Performing Arts Center and the Patel Dance Conservatory; leading empowering dance classes at schools and youth organizations in the most needed neighborhoods in the Tampa Bay area. Here are photos of the students at the Metropolitan Ministries, Patricia J. Sullivan Elementary School, a specialized school which caters to Hillsborough County homeless children. Students will participate in a full year ballet focused dance program building on social skills and self-confidence and will culminate with a performance at the Straz Performing Arts Center!

Centro Newspaper of Tampa stopped by when the students received their very own ballet shoes and featured us in a story. Read about it here.  Please note,  the article is in Spanish, but you can click the translate button- it won’t be perfect, but it’ll give you a good overview.

To learn more the amazing things taking place at the Patricia J Sullivan Elementary School click here for their feature on Fox13 news. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Share this if you think its great news worth spreading! #mbdanceproject



Siomara Bridges